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Kamis, 28 April 2011

Windows 7 | 48 in 1

Windows 7 memang sekarang menjadi trend dikalangan pengguna PC maupun Laptop. Banyak keunggulan yang diberikan Windows 7 ini. Hehe, untuk keunggulannya silakan cari internet aja yah Sob..!! Soalnya disini kita akan membahas Aplikasi dari Windows 7. Disini saya memberikan Paket Windows 7 yang terangkum dalam satu paket sebanyak 48 macem.

List Windows 7 48 in 1 :

(01) Windows 7 MSDN Ultimate 32-bit
(02) Windows 7 MSDN Professional 32-bit
(03) Windows 7 MSDN Home Premium 32-bit
(04) Windows 7 MSDN Home Basic 32-bit
(05) Windows 7 MSDN simplified version of 32-bit
(06) Windows 7 MSDN Ultimate 64-bit
(07) Windows 7 MSDN Professional 64-bit
(08) Windows 7 MSDN Home Premium 64-bit
(09) Windows 7 MSDN Home Basic 64-bit
(10) Windows 7 OEM Ultimate 32-bit general-purpose
(11) Windows 7 OEM Universal Professional Edition 32-bit
(12) Windows 7 OEM Home Premium 32-bit general-purpose
(13) Windows 7 OEM Universal Home Basic 32-bit
(14) Windows 7 OEM Vervison of 32-bit general-purpose summary
(15) Windows 7 OEM Ultimate 64-bit general-purpose
(16) Windows 7 OEM Universal Professional Edition 64-bit
(17) Windows 7 OEM Home Premium 64-bit general-purpose
(18) Windows 7 OEM Universal Home Basic 64-bit
(19) Windows 7 Ultimate Lenovo (support Thinkpad) 32-bit
(20) Windows 7 Ultimate Lenovo (support Thinkpad) 64-bit
(21) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Dell
(22) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Dell
(23) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit HP
(24) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit HP
(25) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Compaq
(26) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Compaq
(27) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Acer
(28) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Acer
(29) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Asus
(30) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Asus
(31) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit BenQ
(32) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit BenQ
(33) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Founder
(34) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Founder
(35) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Shenzhou
(36) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Shenzhou
(37) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit MSI
(38) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit MSI
(39) Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Samsung
(40) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Samsung
(41) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Sony
(42) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Sony
(43) Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Toshiba
(44) Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Toshiba
(45) Windows 7 LG Ultimate 32-bit
(46) Windows 7 LG Ultimate 64-bit
(47) Windows 7 Ultimate Fujitsu (Fujitsu Siemens support) 32-bit
 7 Ultimate Fujitsu (Fujitsu Siemens support) 64-bit

ScreenShoot :

How To Use It :
- Burn To DVD using Nero or Other Application.
- Restart PC.
- Enjoy to use it.

Link Download :
Download File

..::Artikel Menarik Lainnya::..

8 komentar:

yanto 23 Mei 2011 pukul 16.48  

Dipassword nga gan itu?
ntar udah cape" download di password lagi gan

Anonim,  6 Juli 2011 pukul 04.42  

Part 21 dan 22 nya mana ya gan ? :|: ga bisa extract nich.

AVEO SOFT 11 Juli 2011 pukul 17.16  

Komentar anda sangat berarti untuk kemajuan blog ini... Terima Kasih

devitcarlos 21 September 2011 pukul 02.18  

Gan.. ada bundel DVD nya ga? kalo ada.. gimana cara order nya?

:a: download segini gede file nya :a:

AVEO SOFT 21 September 2011 pukul 14.21  

untuk saat ini masih belum menerima orderan gan,

Anonim,  24 Desember 2011 pukul 18.58  

serius ni bisa di gunain? 200MB kali 20 part gak dikit waktunya lho untuk donlot...???
soalnya gw butuh bgt ni

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